Clan Elder - Lords of the High Peaks - Step by Step Paint Tutorial

Clan-Elder-Lords-of-the-High-Peaks-Step-by-Step-Paint-Tutorial SBMiniatures



1. I mixed Ak Interactive Beige Red with a small amount of Ak Interactive Beast Brown (70%/30%).

2. I washed the whole surface with Citadel Agrax Earthshade mixed with a small amount of Citadel Contrast Blood Angel Red (90%/10%), diluted in equal parts with Citadel Contrast Medium.

3. The first highlight has been made with pure Ak Interactive Beige Red. I left the wash only in the recesses.

4. The final light was made with Ak Interactive Beige Red mixed with small amount of Ak Interactive Ivory (80%/20%). I focused on the upper half of the cheeks, the nostrils and the eyelids.












1. I mixed Ak Interactive Natural Steel and Citadel Runelord Brass (70%/30%) and I airbrushed a smoot basecoat.

2. I wash only the recesses of the armor using Citadel Nuln Oil mixed with a very small amount of Citadel Basilicanum Grey (80%/20%).

3. I wanted a very quick way to paint gold, so I mixed Citadel Nazdreg Yellow and Citadel Skeleton Horde (50%/50%), diluted with equal parts of Citadel Contrast Medium. I then painted all the details I wanted with two layers of this mix.

4. I washed the gold with Citadel Reikland Fleshshade.

5. Finally, I quickly highlighted the gold with Ak Interactive Old Gold.





1. I mixed Ak Interactive Warm Grey and Ak Interactive Leather Brown (70%/30%) and I painted several diluted layers to achieve a smooth basecoat. Take your time, this is the most important step and doing it correctly will save a lot of time.

2. I wash the beard with a home-made wash made by Ak Interactive Leather Brown diluted with Citadel Contrast Medium (30%/70%) and a drop of Matt Medium.

3. The first highlight has been made with the basecoat mix. Try to simply "clean" the beard volumes leaving the was in the recesses.

4. The second highlight has been made with pure Ak Interactive Warm Grey. I focus only on the upper half of the beard.m

5. For the final highlight, I used a mixture of Ak Interactive Warm Grey and Ak Interactive Silver Grey. I only concentrated on the most outstanding areas.



















1. I mixed Ak Interactive Dark Blue with Ak Interactive Tenebrous Grey (70%/30%).

2. I highlighted the blue using pure Ak Interactive Dark Blue.

3. I painted a final light mixing Ak Interactive Dark Blue with Ak Interactive Sky Blue (60%/40%).

4. I painted the weapon handle with a smooth basecoat of Ak Interactive Black Red mixed with a small amount of Ak Interactive Beige Red (70%/30%).

5. I washed the whole surface using Citadel Agrax Earthshade.

6. I then applied a subtle light using the basecoat mix with the addition of a small amount of Ak Interactive Beige Red.




Painting tutorial by: Durgin Paint Forge